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Welcome,  to my sacred space—a sanctuary for self-discovery, transformation, and soulful connection.


Here, amidst the digital and in person realms, I invite you to embark on a journey of exploration and inner reflection, guided by the wisdom of the heart and the whispers of the soul.


Whether you seek solace, inspiration, or a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you, you'll find nourishment for your spirit and inspiration for your journey within these virtual & in person walls.


Come, let us walk this path together, as we navigate the beautiful tapestry of life with courage, compassion, and authenticity.


Transform Your Life

Fiona Marie's Sanctuary of Transformation

Step into a realm where inner connection meets profound transformation. I am Fiona Marie, your guide on this journey—a catalyst for change and a beacon of hope in the realm of self-discovery and empowerment. From navigating my own struggles to illuminating pathways of growth, my evolution from chartered accountant to intuitive healer and Transformation Mentor & Guide has been a testament to the power of personal transformation.​


Drawing upon a diverse array of modalities including NLP techniques, Communication, Somatic Breathwork, Intuitive Rebirth Healing, and plant medicine, I bridge the gap between practicality and spirituality to facilitate your journey towards metamorphosis.​Here, on my website, I invite you to explore a space where storytelling merges seamlessly with practical tools and offerings, igniting the flames of transformation within each visitor. Together, let us embark on a quest for authenticity, resilience, and inner fulfillment. Welcome to a sanctuary where your journey of self-exploration and empowerment begins.


Embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and transformation with our range of holistic services designed to nurture your mind, body, and spirit. From one-on-one coaching sessions to immersive three-month transformations to retreat experiences, each offering is crafted to support you on your path to greater authenticity, resilience, and inner fulfillment.


Whether you're seeking clarity in your life's purpose, healing from past traumas, or simply yearning for a deeper connection to yourself and the manifestation of sacred union, our services provide the guidance, tools, and support you need to tune in to your full potential and live a life of joy and abundance. With a blend of practical techniques, intuitive insights, and compassionate guidance, we're here to empower you to step into the fullest expression of who you truly are

Client Reviews

Discover the transformative experiences of our clients as they share their journeys of growth and empowerment. Dive into their stories to see how our services have touched their lives and helped them tune in to their full potential

Melissa, South Africa

Living proof right here the transformation I have made from Dec 2021 till now, thanks to your guidance Fiona Marie and my own hard work and working through all my triggers and traumas and seeing life from the perspective of love. It has changed me into a person I never dreamed of becoming before I met you.”

Paul, Sydney

A true journey to discover yourself in the hands of a highly skilled individual. Expect to find the pathway to your own love and joy. Feel yourself grow emotionally week by week. I now live a beautiful rich life, peaceful, happy and content. I bring energy and joy into my day where there was once apathy and hopelessness. You only have one tiny step to make and your world will open up into the most amazing breath taking experience you didn't know you could have.. I took the step, i now site here in my beautiful rich life filled with love, joy and fun...


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